YHB Recommended Reading: Cycle Regulation, Improving PMS + PCOS, Birth Control Detox + more!
Blog·YHB Team·Mar 18, 2021· 2 minutes

The following books were written by our 'go to' experts and educators in the field of health + hormone balance. You'll also find a list of some of our favorite podcast episodes that will provide "edutainment" and tangible tips & takeaways (download and save for your next walk or commute)! We highly encourage checking out these resources for greater support regulating your cycle, detoxing from birth control + getting a grip on troublesome PMS + PCOS symptoms.


Woman Code, Alissa Vitti

A revolutionary food-based program to balance hormones and reverse imbalances that cause painful periods, PMS and PCOS

In The Flo, by Alissa Vitti

Learn the cycle syncing method with a 28 day plan, workbook, recipes, etc., by the author of Woman Code

Beyond the Pill, Jolene Brighten, MD

A detox program for women contemplating or ready to quit the pill, natural remedies and non-hormonal birth control options


Surviving Teenage Hormone Takeover, by Nisha Jackson, N.D.

A survival guide for moms and daughters

What Your Doctor May Not Tell You About PreMenopause, by John R. Lee, M.D. 

For younger premenopausal women in their 20s and 30s who want to learn how to handle hormone imbalances well before menopause 



Just the Good Stuff  "Hormone Guru On Cycle Syncing, Biohacking The Female Body + Living In The Flo" with Author, Alisa Vitti 

Solo 2.0 Podcast "How to Eat, Move and Live in Alignment w/Your Cycle" with Hormone Specialist Le’Nise Brothers 

Balanced Black Girl Podcast "Go with the Flow: How to Optimize Your Menstrual Cycle" with Menstrual Health Educator, Berrion Berry

A Cyster & Her Mister Podcast "The PCOS Hormone Imbalance Connection" with Candace Burch

A Cyster & Her Mister Podcast "What's Your PCOS Type?" with Hosts Tallene & Sirak

Peace. Love. Hormones. Podcast "PCOS - All you need to know" with Women's Dietician, Cory Ruth

Coffee & Kettlebells "Beyond the Pill - Part 1" with Dr. Jolene Brighten

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Interested in testing your hormone levels and getting started on an all-natural rebalancing plan? Check out our at-home hormone testing + consulting packages HERE.