We are thrilled to introduce you to Laura Martell, ND, our NEW medical partner!vDr. Martell brings a wealth of knowledge and experience in naturopathi…
Whether you’re looking for a non-hormonal birth control option OR trying to conceive, the fertility awareness method (FAM), is an amazing and effectiv…
Keep reading for a run-down of the biggest guest podcast interviews featuring Candace (YHB's founder, Hormone Health Educator) Jess Suchan (Candace's …
Whether you’re looking to get pregnant now -or- are interested in prepping and priming your body for a future pregnancy, we highly suggest digging int…
Nuts and seeds are nutritional powerhouses packed with essential amino acids (protein), vitamins, minerals, and fats to support our brain and hormone …
Do you notice your anxiety soar the week before your period? You’re certainly not alone!
This phase of the menstrual cycle, known as the late luteal …
Did you know: 100 million women are currently on the pill and roughly 60 percent of them take it for non-contraceptive reasons (including heavy/ painf…
This blog in a nutshell:
If you struggle to wake up, are dragging through the day with low energy and/or feel tired and wired at night, these are sig…
One of the most common questions we get from our clients is: "How is saliva testing different from the standard blood test I received from my doctor?"…